The run will them take from Land's End all the way to John O'Groats, passing loads of familiar and famous landmarks on the way. We will will share the post cards from Tim and Sam below, along with updated progress maps, so that you'll see their progress.
As a family, we have seen the devastation that Alzheimers can bring to both it's victims and the family and friends around them. Susan, sister, sister-in-law and auntie of Judy, Tim and Sam has been suffering with an aggressive form of Alzheimers for the last few years now. That is why Tim and Sam have decided to raise funds for the Alzheimer's Research and Dementia UK as part of this challenge. These two fantastic charities actively research the causes of Alzheimers and Dementia, and support the familiy and frieds of the people that it afflicts.
This is a virtual running challenge, setup and organised by Conqueror Challenges, that allows them to complete the run over a series of months. By road, this means running a total 1,083.8 miles. Assuming that they achieve a 120 miles per month, then they should complete their mammoth challenge by the end of October 2021. It is equivalent to running 41 London marathons or 174 Dedham 10K runs. They have never attempted a challenge as big as this one. It will be hard work, but a great achievement if they make it.
Trees: As another small incentive to sponsor them, everytime they complete another 217 miles (20% of the challenge) then Conqueror Challenges will plant a tree. Assuming they complete the course, that'll be 10 tree planted in total.
Please support Tim and Sam and provide much needed support to this great cause. Follow this link to the 'Running the length of the UK for Dementia' donation page.
27 July 2021 - Finished. Today I finally reached John O'Groats. Having started this challenge leaving Land's End on the 27 January, after 6 months and 1 day, and a total of 169 separate runs (averaging 6.4 miles per day), I have finally virtually reached the finishing line. I now need to think about running home again
23 July 2021 - Definitely on the home straight now. Castle Sinclair is my very last stop and my last postcard before I reach John O'Groats. The roads are getting very quiet, the scenery is a little bleak and the weather seems to be darkening too. Looking forward to this last stretch. I hope to get a photograph of myself (virtually) standing at the finishing line.
15 July 2021 - Made it all the way to DunRobin Castle today. Really impressive building but o time to look around. Got to keep going towards John O'Groats and the finishing line.
12 July 2021 - Today I reached the bridge over the Dornoch Firth. Having already covered about 1,000 miles, I've now got less than 90 miles in front of me before the finishing line. Scenery looks fantastic up here, and certainly very quiet. The roads are getting smaller and quieter by the day. I'm definitely on the home straight and looking for to exploring the last few miles (virtually) from this application. I'm going to try and send another post card soon. Probably from Dunrobin Castle (never been there before) later this week.
30 June 2021 - Finally reached the Great Glen, running through Fort Augustus and getting to see Loch Ness. It has been a very long 23 days since I last sent a postcard, but what a fantastic and interesting run. We ended up running along the old General Wade's roadway (a pass really), somewhere even Google hasn't even managed to reach yet. Definitely on the home straight now heading north east towards John O'Groats.
7 June 2021 - Really making some progress now reaching Edinburgh on Saturday and having time for a quick visit to Edinburgh castle today. Now back on the road again and heading off in the direction of Pitlochry.
24 May 2021 - "Frae Bonny Scotland". Wow, just crossed the border into Scotland and now heading in the direction of Gretna Green. We still have a long way to go, with another 368 miles in front of us, but we have covered 716 miles getting this far in England.
20 May 2021 - Managed to reach Hadrian's Wall today so getting very close to Scotland now. That will be a big achievement, and well ahead of our schedule too.
1 May 2021 - Great day today having reached the Yorkshire Dales. Haven't been to this part of the Pennines before and the scenery is wonderful. But cannot hang around long though. Next step is a bit of a long trek. 78 miles to get us upto Penrith on the edge of the Lake District.
29 April 2021 - Reached Bradford today. Very quick stop to catch our breath before heading north again with the Yorkshire Downs in our sights.
23 April 2021 - Arrived in the Peak District and enjoying the scenery. Almost halfway now, having covered about 540 miles. Beginning to get a little tired now too. The next big milestone should be Bradford.
21 April 2021 - Arrived in Sheffield today in Yorkshire. Now heading off in the direction of the Peak District hoping to get as far a Bradford sometime next week. They still have a long way to go.
17 April 2021 - Now in Sherwood Forest, a place more full of legend than reality. Would offer great walks and runs if only they had time. Sadly they are continuing on their run northwards.
13 April 2021 - Reached the town of Nottingham in the heart of Robin Hood country. They hope to get a little bit closer to Sherwood Forest later this week but will be keeping their distance from any merry men on the way.
9 April 2021 - They had a very brief visit to Leicester today but couldn't stop. The weather was too nice to hang around. So now off northwards again towards Nottingham, in search of Robin Hood. Managed to hot the 40% milestone earlier in the week so another tree will be planted.
5 April 2021 - They found themselves being sent to Coventry. The run this morning, another 7.2 miles, was really cold and it even tried to snow, in early April. A bit of a shock for the daffodils.
1 April 2021 - Might be April fool's day but they have managed to make it to Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare's birthplace. More importantly they have now nudged over the 400 mile mark.
25 March 2021 - Passing through Oxford. They didn't see Lewis, Sergeant Hathaway or Endeavour anywhere.
13 March 2021 - Quick trip to Stonehenge today. It was a bit too cold to look around much though.
12 March 2021 - They carefully ran through Salisbury today avoiding door handles, perfume bottles and anyone looking even vaguely like a Russian.
6 March 2021 - They reached Bournemouth. Quick candy floss. They are now leaving the coastline to head northwards.
3 March 2021 - They could see Durdle Door from a distance, but they didn't take a dip.
13 February 2021 They discovered Smeaton Tower, a wonderful light-house. Climbed to the top apparently.
6 February 2021 - Reached the Eden Project. They want to come back another day to look around here properly.
29 January 2021 - Near St. Michael's Mount. They didn't hang about though as, there was another 1,070 odd miles to complete.
27 January 2021 - They started their challenge virtually leaving Land's End. There wasn't much of a send off but they were pleased to just get started.